Our Mission

To mobilize the efforts by orienting the Muslim generation to be brought up in North America as per Islamic tenets, values, and doctrines, defined by the holy Scripture, the glorious Quran, and explained by The Holy 14 Masoomeen (A.S), so as to secure the opportunities for the performance of the religious obligations and education, regardless of gender, political affinities, and economic circumstances on the lines of the rights of religious liberty.

Bab ul Ilm History

Bab ul Ilm Islamic Centre came in to existence in February 1982. The pioneer Aijaz Ali Bazmi with his extra ordinary efforts allowed the community of West-end to be able to worship and celebrate their prestigious religious occasions. This was considered an unachievable task due to non-availability of Shia Islamic Centre in the said region.

Currently Bab ul Ilm (under the trust of Bani Hashim Society) has hundreds of members mostly migrants of South East Asia, Africa and other parts of the world who perform congregation, commemoration and celebration of various religious festivals. Furthermore, profound community services such as weekly religious School for Kids and Adults, different outdoor and indoor activities depending upon the occasion along with matrimonial services are also in progress to exclusively serve this very community of Ith’na Asheri.

Needless to say that the organizational affairs of the community, which is constantly growing requires unconditional devotion, dedication and a communal aspiration of community service for generations to come. This resulted in a very rapid expansion of Bab ul Ilm Islamic Centre and today, we own a very decent place which can easily accommodate hundreds of people at one time.


At present, the society successfully conducts youth programs, Azadari, Adult and Kids education along with weekly programs to fulll the very needs of worshipers. Our On -Site Alim has on-site office with all the required facilities to address any needs that may arise to serve the community as/when required, the mentioned are a few highlights of this esteemed organization.

It is imperative to recognize the diligent efforts of the Executive Committee and the volunteers that servers the Society and Community on regular and unconditional basis. In addition, Bab-ulilm Islamic Centre is blessed with Membership that plays an active role in ensuring that the endless process of service excellence.

Meet Our Team and Directors

Executive Team

Syed Mushtaque Zaidi


Syed Muhammad Abbas Zaidi

Vice President

Muhammad Mutahir

General Secretary

Zameer Hussain

Joint Secretary

Syed Kamran Zaidi


Director & Board of Governors

Asad Ali Naqvi


Azhar Ali


Syeda Riffat Zaidi


Khalil Shah


Famida Yasin


BAB UL ILM ISLAMIC CENTRE came in to existence in February 1982. The pioneer Aijaz Ali Bazmi with his extra ordinary efforts allowed the community of West-end to be able to worship and celebrate their prestigious religious occasions. This was considered an unachievable task due to non-availability of Shia Islamic Centre in the said region.

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